Been very quiet here lately. All I can say is I'm reveling in a bit of silence. The boys have gone back to school and summer is ending. It's sweet sorrow for me every year. While I so enjoy watching them grow and change, it's hard to let go of another season, especially summer--my very favorite. I want to savor these days of September and give myself permission to be sad that they are growing up, spreading their wings, needing me a little less every day.
But I'm changing and growing too. You're never too old to spread your wings. And you're never too old for marshmallows. Especially in September.
I'm really really loving this song.
i am struggle girl giving up my summer too! i LURVE this pic of him. what an ingenius cutie.
n.i.n.e. days.
nine DAYS!
9 d.a.y.s!
This is such a great picture Amy. I love it!
Despite professing the fall as my favourite season, I'm having trouble accepting the passing of summer too. Luckily the past few weeks have been great weather-wise.
The sun will shine shortly by the lake - even if only figuratively! :)
See you soon,
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