Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted. Life has been very very full and actually, if I stop and think about it, way too busy. With the house fully under construction and all of us living in a small, dusty, waterless space, it is easy to fill the days with tasks that take WAY longer than usual (going outside and around the side of the house and down the basement stairs just to wash a dish in the slop sink is no fun, let me tell you!). Top that off with the normal hustle bustle of life with two active little boys and that spells N-O T-I-M-E with a capital No Time!

So with Thanksgiving only two days away, I'm going to take a moment to breathe and to make a list a la my friend Steph of the things I'm grateful for using her "Five Senses" theme. Maybe it will help me to slow down if I take note that way!

Touch: my boys hands in mine, J's back curled around me as we fall asleep, Lola's wet kisses when I walk in the door

Hearing: E and C laughing really hard, the contractor's noises as progress is being made on the house, music, my friends' voices

Sight: sunlight, blue water, the rocks from places we've visited in jars next to my bed, the city of Capri, Italy when we first laid eyes on it from the ferry this summer

Smell: fresh brewed coffee, clean laundry, fresh cut grass, pine trees, the ocean

Taste: spaghetti and meatballs, the tuna dish I had at Aozora, mashed potatoes, root beer

So I give thanks today for my five senses and all the wonderful things I get to experience because of them!


jenica said...

i hope this project gets done soon! i love this, i'm gonna have to do it... eventually.


Amy said...

Oh, I love this idea. I'm stealing it for next week.

Good luck on the house construction!



kelly barton art + design said...

hope you had a good one miss amy.
how are you these days?